number of islands |
20 number
Source: LEA
number of islands |
25 number
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
total area of islands |
53.100 hectare
Source: LEA
total area of islands |
51.910 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
photograph Ezera D daļas salas. |
photograph: Vita Licite
Location: south
Date: 04-07-2002
name |
Liela island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
25.100 hectare
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north
Date: 01-01-1998
name |
Plika island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north
Date: 01-01-1998
name |
Skersa island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: east
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
3.900 hectare
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: east
Date: 01-01-1998
name |
Liepu island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north-east
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
3.600 hectare
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north-east
Date: 01-01-1998
name |
Liela Bernatava island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: west
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
2.750 hectare
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: west
Date: 01-01-1998
photograph Skats no ezera R krasta uz Lielo Bernatavu, kuru šaura ūdens josla atdala no DR krasta. |
photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 12-07-2003
photograph Peldvieta Lielās Bernatavas salas R krastā. |
photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 12-07-2003
photograph Granšaina piekraste pie Lielās Bernatavas salas. |
photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 12-07-2003
photograph L.Bernatava - atpūtas un ugunskura vieta salas R krastā. |
photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 12-07-2003
name |
Maza Bernatava island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: west
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
2.300 hectare
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: west
Date: 01-01-1998
photograph Mazā Bernatavas sala atrodas starp Lielo Bernatavu un ezera DR krastu. Skats uz salu no R puses. |
photograph: Vita Licite
Location: west
Date: 12-07-2003
name |
Gruta island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
0.800 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: north
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Berzu island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
1.270 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: north
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Kruklisa island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north-east
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
1.080 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: north-east
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Medvedka island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: east
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
1.240 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: east
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Veprinisa island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: north
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
1.060 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: north
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Liela Verbas island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: south
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
0.970 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: south
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Liela Lunu island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: south
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
1.720 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: south
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Videja Lunu island
Source: Encyclop.Latv.Nature Location: south
Date: 01-01-1998
area of island |
1.210 hectare
Source: UL IB Location: south
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Niedru island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.120 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Ozolu island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.660 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Starpsalu island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.540 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Vorotnij island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.590 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Kanalisku island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.180 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Apala Niedru island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.590 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Apsu island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.350 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Maza Vitolu (Maza Verbas) island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.060 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Vanagisku island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
1.180 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Bridina island
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.660 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.270 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
name |
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
area of island |
0.170 hectare
Source: UL IB
Date: 01-01-1952
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